
Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 111/2021/ND-CP

Hanoi, December 09, 2021


AMENDMENTS TO SOME ARTICLES OF GOVERNMENT’S DECREE 43/2017/ND-CP dated April 14, 2017 on goods Labels

Pursuant to the Law on organisation of Government dated June 19, 2015, the Law on amendment to some Article of the Law on Organisation of Government and the Law on organisation of local authorities dated November 22, 2019;

Pursuant to the on Law on product and goods quality dated November 21, 2017;

Pursuant to the Law on Commerce dated June 14, 2005;

Pursuant to the Law on consumers’ right protection dated November 17, 2010;

At the request of the minister of Science and Technology;

The Government promulgates Decree on amendment to some articles of Government’s Decree 43/2017/ND-CP dated April 14, 2017 on Goods labels.

Article 1. Amendments to some articles of Government’s Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP dated April 14, 2017 on goods labels as follows:

1. Amendments to Article 1 as follows:

“Article 1. Scope

1. This Decree deals with information on goods labels, presentation thereof, and state management of labels of goods circulated in Vietnam, exports and imports.

2. The following goods shall not be regulated by this Decree:

a) Real property;

Goods temporarily imported for re-export; goods in transit, goods involved in merchanting trade transactions; transshipped goods; goods imported and sent to bonded warehouses for export to third countries.

c) Baggage of incoming/outgoing passengers; personal belongings;

d) Confiscated goods for auction purpose;

dd) Goods being fresh, raw food, processed food without packaging and sold directly to consumers;

e) Commodities being fuel, materials (agricultural products, aquatic products, minerals), scrap (in production and business), construction materials without packaging and sold directly to consumers;

g) Commodities being petrol and oil, gas (LPG, CNG, LNG), liquid without commercial packaging in containers, tankers;

h) Used goods; Goods in the area of security and national defense; goods being radioactive substances, goods to be used for emergencies so as to solve problems of natural disaster, epidemic diseases; railway, waterway, airway vehicles.

3. In case the regulations of an international agreement to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory are different from the regulations of this Decree, the regulations of the international agreement shall apply.”;

2. Amendments to Article 2

“Article 2. Regulated entities

This Decree applies to manufacturers and traders of goods in Vietnam; exporters and importers of goods; regulatory authorities; relevant organizations and individuals.”.

3. Amendments to Clause 1 of Article 7

“Article 7. Languages of goods labels

1. Mandatory information on the label must be written in Vietnamese, except for the cases exports are not sold in Vietnam and the cases prescribed in Clause 4 hereof.

4. Amendments to Clause 4 of Article 9

“Article 9. Responsibility for labeling

4. Organisations and individuals that import goods into Vietnam shall include the mandatory information on the labels of imported goods prescribed in this Decree.

5. Amendments to Article 10

“Article 10. Mandatory information on labels

1. Goods label of goods circulated in Vietnam shall present the following contents in Vietnamese language:

a) Name of the goods;

b) Name and address of the entity responsible for the goods (hereinafter referred to as “responsible entity”);

c) Origins of goods; In case of unknown origin of good, the country in which the last stage of finishing the goods is performed;

d) Other mandatory information shall be displayed on the label according to the characteristics of the goods prescribed in Appendix I issued together with this Decree and relevant regulations.

If the goods have the characteristics of multiple categories in the Appendix I issued together with this Decree and not governed by any other relevant legislative documents, the responsible for entity shall, according to the primary use of the goods, determine the suitable category of goods and include information accordingly. If the surface area of the goods is not enough for all mandatory information on the label, the information prescribed in Points a, b, and c Clause 1 of this Article shall be given priority, the information prescribed in Point d Clause 1 of this Article shall be shown in the booklet of the goods. This must be specified on the label.

2. The following information on the original label of goods imported into Vietnam must be written in Vietnamese or foreign language while following customs clearance procedures:

a) Name of the goods;

c) Origin of the goods; In case of unknown origin of goods, the country from which the last stage of finishing the goods is performed;

c) The name or abbreviated name of the manufacturer or the entity responsible for the goods in the foreign country;

c1) If the original label does not contain the full name and address of the manufacturer or the responsible for entity in the foreign country, this information shall be fully presented in the attached documents of the goods;

c2) If the original labels of goods imported into Vietnam are written in a foreign language as prescribed in Points a, b, c Clause 2 of this Article, after completing the customs clearance procedure and transfer goods to storage, the importer shall add Vietnamese labels as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article before putting such goods into circulation in domestic market.

3. Goods labels of exports shall be presented according to the law of import country.

a) Information about origins written on labels of exports shall comply with the regulations prescribed in Clause 1 Article 15 of this Decree;

b) Information on labels of exports shall comply with the regulation in Clause 2 Article 18 of this Decree;

4. The Minister of Science and Technology shall elaborate the mandatory information on labels of the goods prescribed in Point d Clause 1 of this Article on electronic media.”;

6. Amendment to Clause 3 of Article 12

“Article 12. Name and address of responsible entity

3. For goods imported for sale in Vietnam, their labels must show the name and address of the manufacturer and the name and address of the importer.

In case of goods being medical equipment manufactured in Vietnam or imported for circulation in Vietnam, their labels must show the name and address of the equipment owner and the name and address of the registration number holder. If the medical equipment has not had registration number, write the name and address of the owner of medical equipment and the name and address of the import license holder.

7. Amendments to Article 15

” Article 15. Origins of goods;

1. Manufacturers, exporters and importers shall determine and write on the labels the origins of goods truthfully, accurately, and conformably with law on origin of goods exported, imported and manufactured in Vietnam or international commitments to which Vietnam has acceded.

2. Origin of goods on the label shall be expressed as: “sản xuất tại” (“made in”); “chế tạo tại” (“manufactured in”); “nước sản xuất” (“country of origin”); “xuất xứ” (“country”); “sản xuất bởi” (“manufactured by”); “sản phẩm của” (“product of”) followed by the country’s name or region in which the goods are produced or presented in accordance with the regulations of the Law on origin of goods.

3. In case of unknown origin of goods in accordance with the regulations in Clause 1 of this Article, write the country in which the last stage of finishing the goods is performed. It shall be presented by one of the phrases or a combination of phrases in order to present the finishing stage of goods as follows: “lắp ráp tại”; “đóng chai tại”; “phối trộn tại”; “hoàn tất tại”; “đóng gói tại”; “dán nhãn tại” (“assembled in”, “bottled in”, “blended in”, “completed in”, “packed in”, “labeled in”) followed by the country’s name or region in which the last stage of finishing the goods is performed.

4. The country’s name or region in which the good is produced or from which the last stage of finishing the goods is performed shall not be abbreviated forms.

8. Amendments to Points a and b Clause 3 of Article 16

“Article 16. Ingredients, ingredient quantities

3. For certain kinds of goods, ingredients and ingredient quantities shall be presented as follows:

a) For foodstuffs, their ingredients must be listed in descending order predominance by weight.

a1) For additives, the name of the category of additives, the name of the additive or its number according to International Numbering System – INS (if any) (hereinafter referred to as “INS number”) must be presented;

a2) For additives which are sweeteners or colorings, the name of sweeteners or colorings, the name of additives or their INS numbers (if any) must be presented and whether such additives are “natural”, “nature-identical”, “synthetic”, or “artificial”;

a3) For additives which are flavorings, the phrase ” flavoring” followed by the one of the following phrases: “tự nhiên”, “giống tự nhiên”, “tổng hợp” or “nhân tạo” (“natural”, “nature-identical”, “synthetic”, or “artificial”) must be presented.

a4) In case the country’s additive number is the same the INS number, the country’s additive number shall be used instead of the INS number;

b) For drugs for human use, veterinary drugs and plant protection drugs, insecticidal and germicidal chemicals for household and medical use, the names and contents of the active ingredients must be shown;

9. Amendments to Article 24

“Article 24.Transition clauses

1. Those goods that were labeled in accordance with the Government’s Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP and have been produced, imported, circulated on the market before the effective date of this Decree shall keep being circulated or used until the expiry dates written on their labels.

4. Those goods that are labeled in accordance with the Government’s Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP and have been produced, imported, circulated in Vietnam before the effective date of this Decree and the display of expiry dates on the labels of which is not mandatory may keep being circulated or used until its expiry date.

5. Labels and commercial packages that are labeled in accordance with the Government’s Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP and have been produced or printed before the effective date of this Decree may be used for manufacture of goods for up to 2 more years from the effective date of this Decree.

Article 2. Annulment and replacement of some regulations in Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP , including

1. Clause 2 Article 8 and Point b Clause 2 Article 5 of Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP are annulled.

2. The paragraph “In case of goods not eligible for import or to be returned and circulated in the domestic market, a bold phrase of “Dược sản xuất tại Việt Nam” (“Made in Vietnam”) shall be required.” in Clause 4 Article 8 of Decree 43/2017/ND-CP is annulled.

3. Appendix I, Appendix IV, Appendix V of Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP are annulled and replaced with Appendix I, Appendix IV, Appendix V of this Decree.

Article 3. Effect

This Circular shall come into force from February 15, 2022

Article 4. Responsibility of implementation

1. The Minister of Science and Technology has the responsibility for providing guidance on implementation of this Decree.

2. The Ministers, the heads of Ministerial agencies and Governmental agencies, the Presidents of People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities and relevant enterprises, organisations and individuals have the responsibility to implement this Decree./.




Vu Duc Dam



(Issued together with the Decree No. 111/2021/ND-CP dated December 09, 2021 of the Government)





Food a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Warnings (if any).


Foodstuff b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredients or ingredient quantities; nutritional ingredients, nutritional value (if any);

Contents, instructions for labeling nutritional ingredient, nutritional value and implementation roadmap shall comply with guidance of the Minister of Health;

dd) Warnings;

e) Instructions for use, instructions for storage.


Health supplements a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredients or ingredient quantities (ingredient quantities are not required for food additives and auxiliary ingredients) or nutritional value;

dd) Instructions for use, instructions for storage: Uses, intended users, usage;

e) Risk warnings (if any);

g) Labeling: “Thực phẩm bảo vệ sức khỏe” (“Health supplements”);

h) Labeling: “Thực phẩm này không phải là thuốc, không có tác dụng thay thế thuốc chữa bệnh”. (“This product is not medicine and cannot replace medicine”.)


Irradiated foods a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredients or ingredient quantities;

dd) Warnings;

g) Labeling: “Thực phẩm đã qua chiếu xạ” (“Irradiated food”).


Genetically modified food a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredients or ingredient quantities;

dd) Warnings;

e) Labeling: “ Thực phẩm biến đổi gen” or “biến đổi gen” (“Genetically modified food” or “genetically modified”) beside the name of genetically modified ingredients and its content.


Drinks (excluding alcoholic drinks): a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredients or ingredient quantities;

dd) Warnings;

e) Instructions for use, instructions for storage.


Alcoholic drinks a) Quantity;

b) Ethanol content;

c) Expiry date (if any);

d) Instructions for storage (for wines);

dd) Warnings (if any);

e) Batch number (if any).


Tobacco a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Warnings;

d) Expiry date;

dd) Codes, bar codes.


Food additives, processing aids a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredient quantities;

dd) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

e) Labeling: “Phụ gia thực phẩm” (“Food additives”) for food additives;

g) Labeling: ” Chất hỗ trợ chế biến thực phẩm” (“Food processing aids”) for food processing aids;

h) Warnings (if any).


Micronutrients a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Ingredients;

d) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

dd) Labeling: “Dùng cho thực phẩm” (“Used for food”).


Food materials a) Name;

b) Quantity;

c) Date of manufacture;

d) Expiry date;

dd) Instructions for use, instructions for storage.


Drugs, medicinal materials for human use a) Name, medicinal materials;

b) Dosage form, excluding medicinal materials;

c) Ingredients, content, concentration or quantities of active ingredients, herbal ingredients of drugs, medicinal materials; some herbal ingredients, content and quantity of herbal ingredients on labels of traditional drugs on the List of State secrets and traditional drugs but the text “Công thức sản xuất thuốc là bí mật nhà nước” (“The drug manufacture recipe is a state secret”) or “Công thức sản xuất thuốc là bí mật gia truyền” (“The drug manufacture recipe is a family secret”) must be displayed;

d) Specifications of packing;

dd) Name, address of manufacture facility;

e) Name, address of the importer for imported drugs and imported medicinal materials;

g) Registration number or import license number, batch number and date of manufacture;

h) Expiry date of drugs and medicinal materials;

i) Conditions for storage and other necessary information under regulations.


Medical equipment a) Registration number or import license number of medical equipment;

b) Batch number or serial number of medical equipment;

c) Date of manufacture, expiry date: Specify expiry dates of sterilized or disposable medical equipment, reagents, calibration substances, control materials, chemicals. Specify date of manufacture or expiry date of other equipment/substances shall be presented with date of manufacture or expiry date; if medical equipment is a machine/equipment, year of manufacture or month, year of manufacture shall be specified;

d) Warnings, instructions for use, instructions for storage, warranty conditions or instructions on where to find them must be displayed on the label of medical equipment.


Cosmetics a) Quantity;

b) Ingredients or ingredient quantities;

c) Batch number;

d) Date of manufacture or expiry date;

dd) For products with stability of under 30 months, the expiry date must be presented;

e) Instructions for use, unless the product appearance has clearly represented how to use the product;

g) Warnings;


Household chemicals a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredients or content of active ingredients;

dd) Batch number;

e) Registration number at Vietnam;

g) Warnings;

h) Instructions for use, instructions for storage.


Animal feed a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredient quantities;

dd) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

e) Warnings (if any).


Veterinary drugs, vaccines and biologicals for animal health a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredient quantities;

dd) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

e) Warnings.


Aquatic feed a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredient quantities;

dd) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

e) Warnings (if any);

g) Phone number (if any).


Biologicals, effective microorganisms, chemicals, environmental remediation substances a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredient quantities;

dd) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

e) Warnings (if any);

g) Phone number (if any).


Plant protection products a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredient content;

dd) Warnings;

e) Instructions for use, instructions for storage.


Plant varieties a) Name;

b) Grant of variety carried out according to the provisions of national standards; baseline standards;

c) Properties of variety;

d) Instructions for storage and instructions for use;

dd) Warnings;

e) Quantity;

g) Date of manufacture, expiry date;

h) Name and address of plant variety manufacture/import organizations;

i) Registration number (if any);

k) Origin;

l) Variety batch code;

m) Information of genetically modified plant variety (if any).


Domestic animal breeds a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

d) Warnings (if any).


Aquatic breeds a) Name of aquatic breeds (including trade name and botanical name);

b) Name and address of breeding and producing facility;

c) Quantity of aquatic breeds;

d) Quality norms according to applied standards;

dd) Selling date;

e) Expiry date (if any);

g) Instructions for transportation, storage and use;

h) Phone number (if any).


Children’s toys a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Warnings;

d) Instructions for use;

d) Year of manufacture.


Textile, garment, leather and footwear products a) Materials or material quantities;

b) Specifications;

c) Warnings;

d) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

dd) Year of manufacture.


Plastic and rubber products a) Quantity;

b) Month of manufacture;

c) Materials;

d) Specifications;

dd) Warnings.


Paper, cardboard, carton a) Quantity;

b) Month of manufacture;

c) Specifications;

d) Warnings.


Teaching and learning equipment, stationery a) Quantity;

b) Specifications;

c) Warnings.


Political, economic, cultural, scientific, educational and art publications a) Publisher (manufacturer), printer;

b) Name of author(s) or translator(s);

c) License for publishing;

d) Specifications (format, size, number of pages);

dd) Warnings (if any).


Musical instruments a) Specifications;

b) Warnings (if any).


Sport and physical training equipment a) Quantity;

b) Year of manufacture;

c) Materials;

d) Specifications;

dd) Instructions for use;

e) Warnings (if any).


Wood furniture a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

d) Warnings (if any).


Porcelain, ceramic and glass products a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

d) Warnings (if any).


Fine arts and handicrafts a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

d) Warnings (if any).


Household articles/appliances (non-electric) a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

d) Warnings (if any).


Silver a) Quantity;

b) Silver content;

c) Warnings (if any).


Gems a) Quantity;

b) Specifications;

c) Warnings (if any).


Gold jewelry a) Content;

b) Weight;

c) Weight of attachments (if any);

d) Product code;

dd) Warnings (if any).


Personal protective equipment, fire safety equipment a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Materials;

dd) Specifications;

e) Warnings;

g) Instructions for use, instructions for storage.


Network information security; electricity; electronics, informatics, communication, post and telecommunications equipment; refurbished IT product. a) Year of manufacture;

b) Specifications;

c) Warnings;

d) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

dd) Labels of refurbished IT products must have the text “sản phẩm tân trang làm mới” (“refurbished products”) in Vietnamese or in English with equivalent meaning.


Mechanical machinery/ equipment a) Quantity;

b) Month of manufacture;

c) Specifications;

d) Warnings;

dd) Instructions for use, instructions for storage.


Measuring and testing machinery/instrument a) Quantity;

b) Month of manufacture;

c) Specifications;

d) Warnings;

dd) Instructions for use, instructions for storage.


Metallurgical product a) Quantity;

b) Ingredient quantities;

c) Specifications.


Fishing gear a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Warnings (if any);

d) Phone number (if any).


Motor vehicles a) Name of manufacturer;

b) Brand, commercial name, model code;

c) Chassis number or vehicle identification number (VIN);

d) Unladen weight;

dd) Seating capacity (for passenger vehicles);

e) Gross vehicle weight rating;

g) Type approval number – for vehicles domestically manufactured/assembled;

h) Year of manufacture;

i) Warnings (if any).


Trailer, semi-trailer a) Name of manufacturer;

b) Brand, commercial name, model code;

c) Chassis number or vehicle identification number (VIN);

d) Unladen weight;

dd) Gross vehicle weight rating;

e) Type approval number – for vehicles domestically manufactured/assembled;

g) Year of manufacture;

h) Warnings (if any).


Motorcycle a) Name of manufacturer;

b) Brand, commercial name, model code;

c) Chassis number;

d) Unladen weight;

dd) Cylinder capacity;

e) Type approval number – for vehicles domestically manufactured/assembled;

g) Year of manufacture;

h) Warnings (if any).


Heavy-duty vehicle a) Name of manufacturer;

b) Brand, commercial name, model code;

c) Chassis number;

d) Particular specifications;

dd) Year of manufacture;

e) Warnings (if any).


Passenger four-wheeled motor vehicle a) Name of manufacturer;

b) Brand, commercial name, model code;

c) Unladen weight;

d) Maximum number of passengers;

dd) Gross vehicle weight rating;

e) Chassis number or vehicle identification number (VIN);

g) Type approval number – for vehicles domestically manufactured/assembled;

h) Year of manufacture;

i) Warnings (if any).


Bicycle a) Name of manufacturer;

b) Year of manufacture;

c) Essential specifications;

d) Warnings (if any).


Spare parts of vehicle a) Brand, commercial name, model code (if any);

b) Part number;

c) Year of manufacture (if any);

d) Specifications (if any);

dd) Warnings (if any).


Building and interior design materials a) Quantity;

b) Specifications;

c) Month of manufacture;

d) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

dd) Warnings (if any).


Petroleum products a) Quantity;

b) Ingredients;

c) Warnings;

d) Instructions for use, instructions for storage.


Detergents a) Quantity;

b) Month of manufacture;

c) Ingredients or ingredient quantities;

d) Warnings;

dd) Instructions for use.


Chemicals a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date (if any);

d) Ingredients or ingredient quantities;

dd) Chemical identification number (if any);

e) Warning pictograms, texts, risks (if any);

g) Prevention measures (if any);

h) Instructions for use, instructions for storage.


Fertilizers a) Type of fertilizer;

b) Code of fertilizer;

c) Mode of use;

d) Quantity;

dd) Date of manufacture;

e) Expiry date;

g) Ingredients or ingredient quantities;

h) Warnings;

i) Instructions for use, instructions for storage;

k) Specify: “Phân bón lá” (“Foliar fertilize”) for foliar fertilizers.


Industrial explosives a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredients or ingredient quantities;

dd) Warnings;

e) Instructions for use, instructions for storage.


Eye glasses a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Warnings (if any);

d) Instructions for use.


Watches a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Warnings (if any);

d) Instructions for use.


Diapers, sanitary napkins, facial masks, cotton removers, cotton buds, toilet paper a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Instructions for use;

d) Warnings (if any);

dd) Month of manufacture;

e) Expiry date.


Tooth brushes a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Instructions for use;

d) Warnings (if any);

dd) Month of manufacture.


Wet wipe a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Instructions for use;

d) Warnings (if any);

dd) Date of manufacture;

e) Expiry date.


Beauty tools and accessories a) Specifications;

b) Instructions for use;

c) Warnings (if any);

d) Year of manufacture.


Food packaging/containers a) Materials;

b) Specifications;

c) Instructions for use;

d) Warnings (if any).


Helmets for motorcycle, electric bicycle riders (hereinafter referred to as “helmets”) a) Size;

b) Month and year of manufacture;

c) Model;

d) Quantity;

dd) Instructions for use;

e) Warnings (if any).


Electric bicycles, electric motorcycles, mopeds a) Brands;

b) Model;

c) Unladen weight;

d) Specifications;

dd) Year of manufacture;

e) Instructions for use;

g) Warnings (if any).


Food supplements, medical foods, foods for special diets a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredients, quantities of extra nutrients (or nutritional value);

dd) Warnings (if any);

e) Instructions for use, instructions for storage (if any);

g) Health risk warnings (if any);

h) Add the text: “Thực phẩm bổ sung” (“Food supplement”) for food supplements;

i) Specify: “Thực phẩm dinh dưỡng y học” (“Medical nutritional food”) and “sử dụng cho người bệnh với sự giám sát của nhân viên y tế” (“use for patient under monitor of health worker”) for medical nutritional foods;

k) Specify: “Sản phẩm dinh dưỡng (cho đối tượng cụ thể)” (“Nutritional product (for a particular entity)”) for foods for special diets.


Insecticidal and germicidal preparations for domestic and medical use a) Quantity;

b) Date of manufacture;

c) Expiry date;

d) Ingredients, contents of active ingredients;

dd) Batch number;

e) Registration number at Vietnam;

g) Warnings;

h) Instructions for use;

i) Instructions for storage;

k) Instructions for disposal;

l) Warning pictograms under GHS;

m) Name, address of manufacture facility;

n) Name, address and phone number of the registration certificate holder.



(Issued together with Decree No. 111/2021/ND-CP dated December 09, 2021 of the Government)

1. Instructions for labeling ingredients, ingredient quantities implemented according to the regulations in Article 16 hereof.





Water is added as raw material for production, processing and present in the product. Water is an ingredient of the product.


If the names of ingredients are shown on labels of goods for the purpose of attracting attention, the quantities of such ingredients must be shown. For example, if the phrase “high calcium content” is presented, the content of calcium must be specified.


For domestic metal tools and articles made from a principal material which determines their usage value, the names of the principal material shall be shown together with the name of the goods while name of other material and its quantity are not required to be shown. For example: Where the goods having their names shown on the label are plastic baskets, leather shoes, bamboo planks, iron chairs, tissues, rubber cushions, porcelain vases, their materials and materials quantities are not required to be presented.

2. Other methods for presentation of ingredients and ingredient quantities




Aquatic feed Mixed food Ingredient quantities include: Humidity; Crude proteins; Raw fat; Raw fiber; Total phosphorus; Total Lysine; Preservatives if any: Ethoxyquin, Dibutylhydroxytoluene, BHT (Butylated hydroxyl toluene), BHA (Butylated hydroxyl Anisole).
Mixed food for pets Ingredient quantities must include: Humidity; Crude proteins; Raw fat; Raw fiber.
Supplementary food Ingredient quantities of each types:

– Mixture of minerals, vitamins, amino acids: Vitamins, single minerals, amino acids.

– Effective microorganisms: Microorganisms.

– Preparations extracted from plants, animals, microorganisms, fungi: Main active ingredients from (the name of the organism used for production must also be shown).

Raw food Ingredient quantities: the name of organism used for making food.
Food additives Food additives. If a package has at least two additives. List all additives in the package in descending order by weight.
Animal feed – In case of adding non-nutrient supplements to prevent disease.

– In case of synthetic food.

– In case of supplementary food.

Main ingredient quantities.

– Adding non-nutrient ingredients.

– Adding content of protein, lipid, ash, fibre, moisture, solubility.

– Adding content of supplementary substances.

Herbal ingredients Herbal ingredients. Weight of herbal ingredients.
Veterinary drugs, vaccines and biologicals for animal health Veterinary drugs. Ingredients, ingredient quantities of active ingredients.
Biologicals, effective microorganisms, chemicals, environmental remediation substances for aquaculture Environmental remediation substances for aquaculture Ingredient quantities of each types:

– Chemical: according to chemical formula, structural formula or the List of permitted chemical names.

– Mixture of minerals, vitamins, amino acids: Vitamins, single minerals, amino acids.

– Effective microorganisms: microorganisms

– Preparations extracted from plants, animals, microorganisms, fungi: Main active ingredients from (the name of the organism used for production must also be shown).

Aquatic veterinary drugs Aquatic veterinary drugs Formulas or ingredients.
Plant protection products Plant protection products Ingredient quantities of active ingredients, content of solvent (in case of changing the toxicity of drugs).
Textile, garment, leather and footwear products Apparel

– In case of many layers.

Quantities of main materials.

– Specify quantity of main material of each layer.

Wood furniture – Lumber from the same species.

– Lumber from different species.

– Scientific name of species.

–  Category.

Wood products Wood name.
Metallurgical products – Steel.

– Metal.

– Ore.

– Steel grade.

– Type, purity (% of metal).

– Ore content (% of weight).

Petroleum products Associated gas and other hydrocarbon gases. Gas contents (% of volume).
Chemicals Chemicals. Chemical formula, structural formula, quantities.
Chemicals contained in pressure tank. Add charge capacity.
Fertilizers Fertilizers. Ingredient quantities.



(Issued together with Decree No. 111/2021/ND-CP dated December 09, 2021 of the Government)




Aquatic feed, biologicals, effective microorganisms, chemicals, environmental remediation substances Environmental remediation substances for aquaculture – Specify: Chỉ dùng trong nuôi trồng thủy sản”  (“Only for aquaculture use”);

–  Pre-harvest interval: Specify the number of days to stop using before harvest to ensure food safety regulations for farmed aquatic products.

Veterinary drugs, vaccines and biologicals for veterinary drugs Veterinary drugs. Main effects, side effects, registration number, batch number and the phrase “Chỉ dùng cho thú y” (“Only for veterinary use”) should be shown.
– In case of schedule-A toxic substances. – Add the phrase (in black): “Không dùng quá liều quy định”. “Do not overuse prescribed dosage.”
– In case of schedule-B toxic substances. – Add the phrase (in red): “Không dùng quá liều quy định”. “Do not overuse prescribed dosage.”
– In case of topical medications. – Add the phrase: “Chỉ được dùng ngoài da” (“For topical administration only”).
Plant protection products Plant protection products. Registration number, quality control number, information about toxicity, warnings, and instructions on prevention of poisoning, what to do in case of poisoning.
Livestock breeds; aquatic breeds Aquatic breeds. Length, main body diameter, development stages.
Domestic animal breeds. Breed supply, performance criteria, and characteristics of breed.
– In case of egg-oriented poultry. – Add egg production per year.
– In case of meat-oriented poultry. – Add gained weight per unit of time.
– In case of pork-oriented pigs. – Add the weight gain capability, amount of feeds and thickness of back fat.
– In case of sows. – Add number of piglets per brood and number of broods per year.
Aquatic animal species:  
– Reared species. – Age (in days), length of breeding animals or post (for breeding shrimp).
– Artermia eggs. – Quantity of eggs per gram, ratio of hatched eggs (%).
– Parental aquatic breeds – Weight (g), reproductive stage.
Metallurgical products – Alloy. – Typical indicators for identification, which are decisive to their uses.
Fishing gear – Fishing nets. – Color, fineness (tex), strength (N), mesh size.
– Fishing yarns and ropes. – Diameter, fineness (tex), strength (N) twistedness (twists/m).
Chemicals Chemicals. Typical quality indicators.
– For chemicals which are inflammable, toxic, corrosive. – Add respective warnings.
– For chemicals contained in pressurizing containers. – Add the code of container, capacity, loading person and hazard warnings
Industrial explosives Industrial explosives. Principal quality indicators and usability in industrial activities.


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